Volume 12, Issue 43 (2015)                   QJIA 2015, 12(43): 56-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Hossieni M, Dourandish A, ghorbani M, daneshvar Kakhaki M. The Impact of Agricultural Insurance on Investment in Agronomy Sub-sector of khorasan Razavi Provience. QJIA 2015; 12 (43) :56-56
URL: http://journal.sbkiran.ir/article-1-26-en.html
Abstract:   (247 Views)

Investment in the Agricultural Sector is considered as special importance. Based
upon some reasons such as high risk of agricultural crops production, insufficient
investment in this sector is not conducted. Agricultural crops insurance is
considered as one of the most appropriate strategies for dealing with risk and
uncertainly in agricultural sector. In this study, effects of agricultural insurance on
agriculture sub-sector investment in of Khorasan Razavi province is discussed by
using multilevel modeling. To collect required data and information for this study,
two steps cluster sampling method is used. Required information is collected by
using interviews and questionnaires from 595 farmers in agricultural years 2013-
14. Results from estimation of four levels model showed that a part of investment
dissimilarities is related to placing the farmers at different levels (Climate, city
and insurance). The results also showed that factors such as loan, the insurance
year, the insured level, lead to significant and positive effect on investment and
type of available water source have significant and negative effect on investment.
According to this study, it is suggested that in order to achieve effective
agricultural crops insurance, offered insurance services should be considered
based on the climate type and each province cities.
Full-Text [PDF 1862 kb]   (289 Downloads)    

Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/06/13 | Accepted: 2015/05/31

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