Volume 12, Issue 45 (2015)                   QJIA 2015, 12(45): 32-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Hassanpour B, Ahmadi Hagh E, Mardani Adabi Y. Impact of Agricultural Insurance on the Technical Efficiency of Tomato Growers in Bushehr Province. QJIA 2015; 12 (45) :32-32
URL: http://journal.sbkiran.ir/article-1-39-en.html
Abstract:   (214 Views)

The Bushehr Province with an annual production of 45343 tons of total country`s production
is in third place in ranked. The aim of this study was to evaluate the functionally and technical
efficiency of agricultural insurance for growers in the province. Technical efficiency is one of
the measures to evaluate the operating performance of agriculture. This cross-sectional study
was conducted as a survey. The target population includes all tomato growers Bushehr province
by using cluster sampling from three counties of Dayyer, Dashti and Jam were collected in the
province. The utilization of Patton table to determine the sample size of 8,000 tomato growers
of Province, 367 people were in three counties of Dayyer, Dashti and Jam with 70, 57 and 65
tomatoes growers uninsured and the number 65, 50 and 60 tomatoes growers insured ,the col￾lected information on the total sample were determined. The results showed that the average
technical efficiency of tomato farmers insurance group in counties of Jam, Dayyer, Dashti using
ordinary least squares corrected, respectively, 61.8, 44.2 and 41.4 percent and for group not in￾sured respectively 60.5, 33.8 and 34.6 percent. The test results were compared and the average
technical efficiency of insured tomato growers in any county, showed that agricultural insurance
in counties of Dashti and Dayyer had a positive and significant effect on the technical efficiency
of growers, while uninsured growers has no significant technical efficiency on growers of Jam
Full-Text [PDF 951 kb]   (208 Downloads)    

Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/06/14 | Accepted: 2015/09/1

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