Volume 12, Issue 44 (2015)                   QJIA 2015, 12(44): 100-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Hayati D, Hayati D, hafari F. Comparison of Adopters' and Non-adopters' Characteristics among Pomegranate Orchard Owners in Natanz County. QJIA 2015; 12 (44) :100-100
URL: http://journal.sbkiran.ir/article-1-35-en.html
Abstract:   (234 Views)

As agricultural sector is generally confrontedby economic and environmental threats,
agricultural insurance has been considered as an appropriate mechanism to protect
farmers against these threats.   The purpose of this study is to compare Adopters' and
Non-adopters' characteristics among pomegranate orchard owners in Natanz County.  
A survey technique was used as a research method.   Stratified random sampling was
appliedto collect data from 250 farmers of Natanz County based on Cochran sampling
formula.   Data was collected among 190 orchard owners who did not adopt and 60
orchard owners who did adopt insurance service.   A questionnaire was employed as a
tool for gathering data the validity of which was confirmed by a group of professionals.  
Also, a pilot study was conducted and Cronbach's alpha test was calculated to
determine the data collection instrument reliability.   Findings revealed that there were
significant differences between adopters and non-adopters of insurance services in
relation to age; number of household’ work force; orchard workers experience; level
of knowledge towards insurance advantages; attitude towards insurance fee; degree
of risk aversion; main profession; degree of satisfaction towards received amount of
loan; tonnage of pomegranate production; total amount of annual income; level of
received information towards insurance.   According to discriminate analysis results,
six independent variables could discriminate two groups of treatments.   "Insurance
experience toward agricultural insurance" was the main discriminator in this regard.  
Some recommendations have been presented to enhance adoption rate of agricultural
insurance, based on research results.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/06/14 | Accepted: 2015/09/1

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