Volume 6, Issue 19 And 20 (2010)                   QJIA 2010, 6(19 And 20): 7-26 | Back to browse issues page

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Omidi Najafabadi M, Farajollah Hoseini S J, Mirdaamaadi S M. Finding out most Appropriate ICT Method for Training Private Agricultural Insurance Brokers. QJIA 2010; 6 (19 and 20) :7-26
URL: http://journal.sbkiran.ir/article-1-53-en.html
Abstract:   (206 Views)
The Agricultural Insurance Fund (AIF) of Iran has employed private
brokers to implement an agricultural insurance scheme. The AIF has spent
considerable time, effort, and money to train the brokers. Unfortunately, the
main part of the investment has rendered disappointing results and traditional
education is no longer effective. To overcome the challenge, a training system
based on information and communication technology (ICT) seemed to serve as
the obvious solution. In this research, the ICT-based training has been
categorized into the following four types: (1) Synchronous training method (2)
Asynchronous instruction method (3) CD and DVD learning (4) Movable
instruction method. Therefore, to choose the most effective academic method, it
seemed necessary to find out the challenges and benefits of each category. That
is to say, the ordinal coefficient of variation pointed out the most important
challenge of the ICT-based training method which are bandwidth, low quality,
updating and screen size, respectively, for synchronous, asynchronous, CD and
movable learning. Also, it pointed out the most important benefit of the ICTbased
training methods which are usage of participatory methods, sending and
receiving files and attachments, repeatability of learning and high quality,
portable technologies, respectively, for synchronous, asynchronous, CD and
movable learning. Finally, this research recommends synchronous method for
preliminary syllabus, asynchronous method for advanced syllabus, movable
instruction for short messages, and CD for multimedia programs.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2024/01/28 | Accepted: 2010/01/30

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