Volume 6, Issue 19 And 20 (2010)                   QJIA 2010, 6(19 And 20): 49-66 | Back to browse issues page

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bakhshoodeh M, Pasha Zanusi O. Investigating Sources of Product Risk for Rice Producers in Mazandaran Province. QJIA 2010; 6 (19 and 20) :49-66
URL: http://journal.sbkiran.ir/article-1-55-en.html
Abstract:   (223 Views)
Food production should be increased with regard to growth in population
and increase in income. Food production is subject to instabilities in production
of some agricultural yields, including in the operation and area under cultivation.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate production instabilities between
1983 and 2006 in four rice varieties in Mazandaran. To this end, the variance and
covariance approach of accidental variables have been used.
Results showed that production of rice increased in 1991-1992 in
accordance with structural change in area under cultivation. But, such an
increase in production has been accompanied by instability and has increased
income risk and price. Therefore, it is proposed that instability should be
decreased in the long run by using different tools such as insurance of crop and
appropriate management in order to access market stability.
Also, considering that the area under rice cultivation would be decreased as
a result of more willingness towards urbanization and industrialization, therefore
more attention should be paid to the cultivation of rice varieties, including
Tarom, Khazar and Neda, improvement in production of which is more related to
their yield
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/01/28 | Accepted: 2010/01/30

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