Ardeshir Mesbah, Dr Esmaeil Karamidehkordi, Dr Shadali Tohidloo, Dr Amin Salehpour Jam, Dr Tofigh Saadi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2024)
Natural hazards such as floods have a devastating impact on rural areas, particularly affecting farmers. This research aimed to analyze the knowledge and skill levels of agricultural communities in Karaj Township regarding flood risk management. The research employed a descriptive-correlational strategy. Data were collected using a questionnaire developed by researchers, with validity confirmed by academic staff from the University of Zanjan and Tarbiat Modares University. The Cronbach's alpha test (coefficient of 0.91) confirmed the reliability of the measurement. The statistical population of the research included 1,188 farmers in Karaj Township affected by floods from 2018 to 2023. The statistical population of the research comprised farmers in Karaj Township affected by floods from 2018 to 2023, totaling 1,188 farmers. The Cochran formula determined a sample size of 112 farmers. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed and reviewed using the weighted score and the priority level of each item was identified. The results indicated that the technical knowledge of 82.1% of the study subjects in flood management was at an average level or lower, and the skills of 72.3% of them in flood management were also at an average level or lower. Moreover, the correlation test indicated a significantly positive relationship between farmers' flood management knowledge and their level of education, the number of support loans received, the amount of compensation from agricultural insurance, communication with farmers in their village and neighboring villages, participation in flood management extension-training courses, and the use of mass and electronic extension media in flood management. Their knowledge was also negatively associated with their age. Furthermore, farmers' flood management skills were directly and significantly related to agricultural income, annual income, support loans received, compensation from agricultural insurance, level of education, and household size. However, these skills were negatively associated with age. It is recommended to create job security, improve farmers’ social status, encourage their children to study agricultural fields and provide a platform for educated individuals to enter the agricultural sector.