In order to find out the effects of time, and methods of application and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent frost damage also reducing the cost of compensation of cotton and having sustainable cotton production, an experiment was conducted during 2006 2007 on clay loamy soil at
Varamin research center for two years. The experimental design was factorial with 24 treatments
and four replications. The treatments included: three times of fertilizer application, at squaring,
flowering and boll formation stage and four level of fertilizer application (0, 50 percent less than
recommended rate, 100 percent as recommended rate and 50 percent more than recommended
rate) with two applying methods’ broad casting and banding application methods. Base on first
year results the amount of fertilizer had a significant effect on number of boll and yield at one
percent level. Also the method of applying fertilizer significantly affected vegetative branches
at one percent level. The most boll number per plant (20.88) and yield (4571 kg/hectare) were
gained from 100 percent recommended fertilizer rate. In second year, the time of applying fertilizer affected the number of reproductive branch at 5 percent level. Also the level of fertilizer
use was significant at 5 percent and 1 percent on boll weight, number of branches and number of
boll per plant. These components are functioning very effective on the final performance, which
if is not managed during the growing season, cotton plants will easily losses against elements
like cold and frost and lack of proper management of fertilizer during the growing season, plants
will be weakened. Otherwise, the enforcement of harmful agents cause damage and reduces
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عمومى دریافت: 1402/3/27 | پذیرش: 1394/6/10